Saturday, March 10, 2012

What software can make my music files sound better?

I am familiar with equalizer settings, but I am aware there is software available for Windows which enables music to be played through it's player and sound a lot better automatically (by increasing the bass, enhancing the vocals, etc.)

I am looking for software which enables this on Mac.

Thanks in advanceWhat software can make my music files sound better?WavePad Audio Editing

NCH has been a strong contender for Mac utilities, and has delivered another fine program. Entering the Mac audio editing arena, WavePad is a great program for beginners to get their feet wet. This program has a lot to offer to the amateur audio editor, while still providing enough tools to make it a useful program for more seasoned audio editors. Therefore, considering the wide range of editing and recording tools, which are a snap to use, it is easy to declare this the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award winner in the Mac audio editing software lineup.


By focusing on ease of use, WavePad has a lot to offer in the way of Mac audio editing software. The developers have proven time and time again that they know how to make software that is a snap to use, and provide enough tools to help you get the job done.

WavePad鈥檚 only problem is the clunky navigation around the file window. Upon opening a file for manipulation, there are many ways to move around the window to get to the parts of the file with which you wish to tamper. Unfortunately, these methods of navigation, the sets of magnifying glasses on the side bar, a project timeline at the top of the screen and a few other options all make for a distracting plethora of avenues. Frequently, multiple options for doing the same thing make it easy for the user to navigate and finish their tasks. With this program, it all becomes clunky and awkward. The biggest frustration was the lack of mouse scrolling functionality, which is frequently supported by more professional options.

Editing itself was much easier. Copying, pasting, inserting pre-existing files, cutting, adding silence, all these options are aided by the multiple avenues of execution. Once you are finally comfortable with the means in which to move about the program it鈥檚 quite easy to use. This fact makes it all the more frustrating that the developers didn鈥檛 take more time to plan out file navigation.


For recording projects, this program is a great starting place for those new to Mac audio editing software. When you press the record button a new window pops up allowing you to decide your recording input, playback options and preview what you record. During the testing process, it was easier to record multiple samples before figuring out how to move them to their proper place. Recording is clearly where the development team spent their time; recording with this software is a breeze and fun to use, providing great results with minimal effort.

Typically, with more expensive programs, they rely solely on line-in recording. This route for getting audio onto your computer is used for recording things such as live instruments, vocals, field recordings, etc. With a line-in function, you can also process the signal prior to it feeding into your computer, providing an even better audio signal for editing down the road. This software does enable line-in recording, but this method requires more audio gear than the typical beginner might have in their possession.

Including the CD and video file recording capabilities with this program targets an audience of folks who have an interest in audio editing, but who might not have all the gear that external recording requires. You don鈥檛 need to go purchase microphones and preamps to get started with your projects, unlike other Mac audio editing software programs. With these extra recording options you can rely on finding the audio you need for your projects rather than creating it yourself, which is more suited for the average user with a need for this type of program. The video file recording is also really handy. Splitting audio from video can be a complicated process, but not with this software. Including this option makes this software a triple-threat, and by presenting these tools in an easy-to-grasp manner is a wonderful decision.What software can make my music files sound better?Install Gentoo

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