The best places to market your business is social sites. They are free and very popular.
If you are are a small business with a local location that consumers come into and not just online then Local marketing online is the way to go ( google local, yahoo local, twitter, facebook, myspace, Customer list very important for email marketing ).
Take the time and find some webinars that will help you look at what type of marketing you need for your business.
I would start with twitter, facebook, and myspace. Then look up keywords that you think a customer would put in google to find your business.
I will be having a free webinar for about 20 people coming up soon on twitter and how to use it for small business.
An excellent example of using Twitter as a marketing tool, as a customer service avenue and as a Community Builder is Zappos.
let me know what kind of business it is and I may be able to be more specific on what tools you can use to promote it.What is the best marketing software for a small business?Hi
This a excerpt from an article I found at
Purchase CRM management software systems
CRM stands for customer relationship management, and nearly all businesses are involved with this type of management in some way.
A CRM software is very important because it can help your business keep track of customers, follow up with a customer when necessary and gain referrals resulting in increased revenues.
The author of the article recommends:
-, a website that has what it calls a short list of the best CRM software with explanations and descriptions of what the software does. That helps you understand why you might need it.
- also has, in her opinion, excellent articles on the basics you'll need to learn in regards to CRM software and comparisons.
Hope this can help you
EstaniChapel - On Mission To Support Your SuccessWhat is the best marketing software for a small business?What kind of marketing software are you looking for. This is a very broad term. Please let us know what is the nature of your small business, so that I can recommend something useful.
If you are looking for email marketing campaigns then I would recommend Aweber. However you can also Twitter and other social media as a marketing platform. You can target right from local to global customers using social media. You will find all the small and big companies using these medium to reach there potential customers world wide.
Hope this helps. Post a detailed info if you require further help.
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